This one-hour workshop is designed to familiarize new students with the course components and how to use them as part of an effective strategy for passing the CMA Exam on time, the first time.
Be better prepared for the CMA Exam and get the most out of your Wiley CMAexcel Review Course. This one-hour workshop is designed to familiarize new students with the course components and how to use them as part of an effective strategy for passing the CMA Exam on time, the first time.
Topics we’ll cover include:
- Getting started in your course, including how to develop your own study plan
- How to effectively complete a bite-sized lesson
- How to use all of the content assets for effective learning
- How to use the printed study materials to supplement your course
- Core versus supplemental material in your course
We’ll also answer frequently asked questions such as:
- How long should I plan to study for the CMA Exam?
- Which part should I take first, and what’s the recommend sequence?
- How do get the most up-to-date study material?
- How do I use the mobile app as part of my strategy?
- There will also be ample time to ask the experts your questions!
If you are unable to attend the live event, register anyway and a recording will be sent to you following the workshop.