Exam-Like Questions

UWorld’s questions mirror the real exam’s format and difficulty, helping you familiarize yourself with the test, reduce anxiety, and build up your confidence for test day.

Customized Practice Tests

Create unlimited practice tests with UWorld’s unmatched question bank. Tailor your practice to focus on areas needing improvement, ensuring efficient and targeted study sessions.

Understand the “Why”

Our detailed answer explanations help you grasp the reasoning behind answers, promoting a deeper understanding and long-term retention of key concepts.

Performance Tracking

UWorld’s real-time performance tracking provides detailed analytics on accuracy, speed, and areas of improvement, helping you optimize your study strategies and improve your scores.

Adaptable Study Tools

Features like My Notebook and digital flashcards allow for personalized study sessions, allowing you to tailor your test prep to fit your unique learning needs.

Study Anytime, Anywhere

UWorld’s platform is accessible on computers, phones, and tablets, allowing you to study anytime and anywhere, making it easy to fit test prep into your busy schedule.

Score A 36 On Your ACT Exams with UWorld

Bulk Purchasing

We offer learning tools for K-12 schools, colleges, and test prep partners. Please contact us for more information.