Bryce Welker, a CPA consultant and owner of, was able to pass all 4 CPA exams on his first try while also working 50-hours a week at his job. His site is a great resource for CPA students wanting help in passing the CPA exam. We caught up with Bryce to find out his best piece of advice for students preparing to take the CPA exam.

CPAexcel: Bryce, what is it about CPA that grabbed your attention and gave you enough interest to want to pursue this as a career?

Bryce Welker: I have always been a very competitive person and knew that getting my CPA license would be the quickest way to outshine my peers and get promoted. A month after I passed the CPA exam I was promoted and got a nice salary raise so it was definitely a game changer for me.

CPAexcel: What is your best piece of advice for students preparing to take the CPA exam?

Bryce Welker: Everybody learns differently so it’s important to find out what works best for you and focus on that. Some people process information better by watching the video lectures, while others learn best from reading the text and taking the practice exams. Use your learning strengths to your advantage and ditch anything that is not helping you understand the material better. Remind yourself that the goal isn’t to “complete chapter 2”, your goal is to actually “understand chapter 2”.

CPAexcel: What is the most important lesson that being a CPA has taught you?

Bryce Welker: Becoming a CPA has taught me a lot about self-control and discipline. I had to work a full-time job while studying for the CPA exam which forced me to prioritize what was important in my life.

I remember how hard it was in the beginning to turn down invitations from my friends to go to concerts and other fun events, but as time went on it became easier and I felt more in control of my life that ever before. For the first time I stopped caring about what everyone else was doing and started carving my own path. This quote from Dave Ramsey is pure gold, “If you will live like no one else, later you will LIVE like no one else.”

CPAexcel: Any exciting events happening on your Web site now or in the near future?

Bryce Welker: I just finished creating my personal step-by-step study guide called How To CRUSH the CPA Exam—which teaches people the exact method I used to pass the CPA exam on my first try.

This training guide helps candidates decide which section of the exam they should take first, what CPA review course best matches their personal learning style, and how they can decrease their overall study time by 100+ hours while also increasing their scores. It also addresses major concerns like how to navigate the CPA exam application process, combat procrastination, and stay motivated.

I have found that by approaching the exam with this laser-focused method, students can greatly improve their chances to pass all 4 sections on their first attempt—saving them time, money, and mental anguish. The best part is this is completely risk free and comes with a money-back guarantee, so if you don’t pass on your first try you will get a full refund, no questions asked.

CPAexcel: If you were granted one super power, what would it be and why?

Bryce Welker: hmmmmm…

CPAexcel: What do you do in your free time to relax and get away from it all?

Bryce Welker: I have lived in Thailand for over a year now and my favorite thing to do is hop on a flight and go visit a new country. I’m sort of an adrenaline junkie so when I have free time I like to try exciting new things. Last month I went to Macau, China, to do the highest bungee jump in the world. Imagine skydiving, except 5x more intense 🙂 In a couple months I’m heading to the Philippines to scuba dive with whale sharks and manta rays (the holy grail for divers!)

Thanks to Bryce Welker for his time in responding to our inquiries. For more information or to follow Bryce on social media, check out his Web site @ CrushtheCPAExam, find him on Twitter and connect with him on Facebook.