CFA Level III Study Plan Quick Facts
- In order to take the CFA Level III exam, you must have a bachelor’s degree or equivalent education and have passed the CFA Level I and II exams.
- The exam format consists of a combination of item set questions and constructed response questions.
- The Level III exam focuses heavily on Portfolio Management and Wealth Planning.
- The most recent pass rates for the CFA Level III exam are around 39%.
- UWorld’s Level III CFA Program Study Guide will help you understand the material, retain what you have learned, and pass the exam as your last major hurdle to becoming a CFA charterholder.
Create Your CFA Level III Study Schedule
CFA Level III Exam Prep Routine
The routines and schedule that helped you pass the first two exams will be helpful to you again as you create your CFA Level III exam prep routine. Stay organized and pace yourself and remember that the biggest difference in this exam is the amount of essay writing you’re responsible to complete. This stage is meant to help prepare you for what employers will expect once you’re working as a CFA.
With around 340 hours of study in mind, if you begin your routine within six or more months, you’ll need to allot around 13 hours per week of studying. Of course, the earlier you get started, the less cramming and stress you’ll have to deal with as the exam date nears.
Stay consistent, whether you’re setting aside time every day to study or you’re just doing intensive sessions on weekends. Sticking to the same days and times as you prepare can be helpful, and don’t forget to tend to your mental and physical health throughout. Surround yourself with a group of family and friends that are aware of your plan and are ready to support you each step of the way.
Prepare with UWorld’s popular CFA Study Guides to master the Level III CFA Program Curriculum.
How Long to Study for CFA Level III Exam
- With 9 months to prepare, you should aim for just over 9 hours of study per week
- With 6 months to prepare, you should aim for about 14 hours of study per week
Customize those hours to best fit your schedule. Plan an hour or more into each day or map out longer weekend sessions if finding time during the workweek is difficult.
And if you’re choosing to start studying closer to the exam date, it’s wise to plan a series of 3- to 4-hour sessions to help you reach your goal without burning out. No matter what path you choose, UWorld’s CFA Level III Study Guides are a trusted resource worth exploring.
CFA Level 3 Exam Study Plan Timeline
Month 2: Additional work on Portfolio Management and plan to cover Derivatives as well.
Month 3: Focus your study sessions this month on Fixed Income and do a thorough review.
Month 4: Equity Investments can be your target this month.
Month 5: Focus on Alternative Investments along with some more work on Portfolio Management.
Month 6: Even more Portfolio Management study along with lots of practice questions and mock exams.Note that there is no Quantitative Methods or Financial Statement Analysis (formerly Financial Reporting & Analysis) topic area on the Level III exam.
4-6 Months Before Taking CFA Level III Exam
You should step into study mode for the Level III exam with confidence. And yet, there are a lot of things that are different on your third and final CFA exam. That doesn’t mean you need to change your consistent habits. But it does mean that you’ll need some new focus heading into this period of the journey. Prepare to focus on Portfolio Management and essay-style questions. With that in mind, when you begin to dig in on practice questions, be sure to create a time limit per question to ensure you’re able to have time to tackle each one. You can achieve this by writing succinct, to-the-point answers.
Be prepared for all types of questions on the Level 3 CFA exam. Study with our popular CFA Test Bank to ensure you’re ready on exam day.
2-3 Months Before Taking CFA Level III Exam
Stick to your study plan. The healthy habits that have carried you this far will continue to serve you well on your journey. Economics, Derivatives, and Fixed Income are demanding a lot of your attention now, with plenty of review on the largest focus of Level III: Portfolio Management. Alternate between more and less difficult topics to stay alert and confident, tapping into UWorld’s Level III CFA Program study material throughout. And don’t neglect plenty of sleep and eating right so you stay fully ready for each session.
1 Month Before Taking CFA Level III Exam
It’s crunch time and you are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully, you’re mostly focused on review at this stage, with a focus on Ethics and Alternative Investments. Stay diligent with practice exams under timed constraints and make summary notes on the things you’re struggling with during the process. And don’t forget to make sure your typing skills are locked and loaded for the computer-based format, which is a recent addition to the CFA Level III exam.
How to Study for the CFA Level III Exam in 6-9 months
If you’re looking to pace yourself a bit more and have more than six months to study, you have some solid options at your disposal. With as much as nine months of prep, you may be able to cover the material twice as you prepare for the CFA Level III exam. Just be aware that you can start too early and run the risk of burnout. Regardless of your timetable, UWorld’s study materials are ready to help you every step of the way.
How to Study for the CFA Level III Exam in 3 Months
Many consider the Level III exam to be the most difficult, so only taking three months to prepare is not recommended. That said, many have overcome this disadvantage and done well on the exam, so, if this is your choice, be sure to not push yourself too hard. And even though UWorld’s study guides are not specifically designed for short-term study, they will still be a valuable resource as you speed through the materials on your way to exam day.
CFA Level III Exam Prep: Topic Areas Order of Study
Understand the CFA Exam Level 3 Question Format
The question format for the CFA Level III exam is one of the biggest differences between it and the Level II exam. The questions are open-ended and require constructed, essay-style answers, making it harder to gauge your progress. The CFA Institute describes this format as “varying structures and point values [that] typically have several parts related to a case study that describes an investment challenge.” This means your answers will require a higher degree of specificity.
CFA Level 3 Exam Curriculum
The curriculum for Level 3 of the CFA exam covers 7 topics. Although the topic names and weights change regularly, these are the most recent topics and weights shared by CFA Institute for the exam:
The topics covered, with their exam weights, are:
- Economics: 5–10%
- Derivatives: 5–10%
- Fixed Income: 15–20%
- Equity Investments: 10–15%
- Alternative Investments: 5–10%
- Portfolio Management and Wealth Planning: 35–40%
- Ethical and Professional Standards: 10–15%
At Level III, the economics material will tend to focus on developing capital market expectations that can then be used for asset selection and portfolio construction and management.
The topics and weights change regularly, but UWorld always has the latest details of the Program Curriculum and topic weights to help you prioritize.
Prioritizing Topics Areas
The topics and weights listed above should help as you prioritize areas and orders of study for the Level III exam. The main area of focus on the third and final exam is Portfolio Management and Wealth Planning. Don’t forget to take into account your personal strengths and weaknesses as you prioritize and be sure to employ UWorld’s Study Materials to help you earn your CFA charter. Here’s one way to prioritize topic areas as you prepare.
- Fixed Income is not only the second most heavily weighted topic area, but it’s also been updated significantly for the exam. This makes it an ideal choice as the first topic to tackle.
- Equity carries a 10-15% topic weight with sessions that dive into active equity investment strategies and portfolio construction. It’s also a lighter lift than Fixed Income making it a natural follow-up.
- Take on Economics next, which is focused on capital market expectations and is weighted 5-10% of the syllabus.
- Derivatives can be next in line. You’ll learn how derivatives are utilized in a variety of ways to address needs within a portfolio. This section is challenging for most, so be sure to take the time to fully understand it before moving on.
- Alternative Investments can be your next area of study. This section can be paired with more work in the Portfolio Management arena with a focus on Private Wealth Management.
- There’s plenty more Portfolio Management & Wealth Planning to cover, so dedicate some more time to this heavily weighted topic. You’ll cover six readings with an important chapter on Institutional Investors IPS. Next are readings that present case studies, giving you a chance to apply what you’ve learned in a practical way.
- Ethics & GIPS round out your study topics. There should be plenty of familiar material here, along with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS). Guidance on Standards I-VII will be an important element.
CFA Level III Exam Prep: Periodic Review
Ready to Start Preparing for the CFA Exam?
There’s no better time than now to begin preparing for the Level III CFA exam. And there’s no better way to prepare than with UWorld. Our 2020 SIIA CODiE award-winning best-in-class platform is geared towards your learning style and helps you study and retain more in shorter time frames.
We also have a team of world-renowned expert instructors who bring their subjects alive, inspiring you to not just learn but understand. You’ll even be able to identify the areas you need to study the most and gain confidence for exam day with our reliable predictive score range.
CFA Level III Study Plan – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- You can expect to study for at least six months for the CFA Level III exam.
- Three months can be enough time, but usually, it takes a candidate at least six months to prepare for the CFA Level III exam. UWorld’s course is designed to be used for a more traditional six-month timetable but can be adjusted to meet everyone’s needs.
- The best way to study for the CFA Level III is to plan well, practice regularly, and use a trusted resource like UWorld to help you pass the first time.