Preparing for the CFA Exam Quick Facts
- There are three exams, each with a recommended prep time of at least 300 hours.
- Level I covers foundational information, while Level II brings analysis into the process. Level III connects what you’ve learned to help tackle real-world problems.
- The CFA Program will give you a strong foundation in advanced investment analysis as well as real-world portfolio management skills.
- Those that prepare diligently and earn their CFA designation are recognized in the investment community as having the knowledge to thrive in a constantly evolving industry.
- Preparing for the CFA exams with UWorld’s CFA study materials gives you an advantage from start to finish.
How to Start Preparing for the CFA Exams
Develop a Plan
As you start with your exam preparation, it’s important to plan how far in advance you’ll want to begin to study. Decide how many hours you’re going to spend in total and break it down in a way that won’t overwhelm you but keeps you on track to reach your goal.
For example, you’ll want to take at least six months before exam day to begin to prepare. And with over 300 hours of preparation for each exam in front of you, be sure to plot out a daily or weekly study routine that is tailored to your schedule.
This should include everything you might encounter along the way, including the potential costs and time associated with traveling to the nearest exam location.
Equip Yourself With Study Materials
Preparing wisely means taking advantage of third-party study guides outside of the CFA Institute-assigned reading materials. And not all guides and materials are the same. UWorld offers a wide range of exam prep materials that are customized to fit your needs.
UWorld’s materials cover thousands of pages of study text and have helped students in over 100 countries reach their goals. UWorld’s authors have years of teaching experience and a knack for making the materials approachable and practical for candidates.
With explanatory graphs and a focus on each and every Learning Outcome Statement in the CFA Program curriculum, UWorld’s materials help you create the perfect study plan and set you up for success.
Set a Minimum Score Goal for Yourself
It can also be helpful to set a minimum pass rate for yourself as you begin to prepare. Although CFA Institute does not disclose the minimum pass rate on its exams, shooting for 75-80% on practice exams should provide the margin of error needed to pass on exam day.
Wondering how you’d do on the Level I CFA exam? Take our free practice exam now to find out.
Familiarize Yourself With Your Calculator
Your calculator for the CFA exams is an essential tool. Find out what calculators are allowed and become as familiar as possible with the one you choose. The advanced functions your calculator offers will help you save time on exam day.
Join a Study Group
Joining a study group can be another valuable way to prepare for the CFA exam. Dedicated study groups can help with memory, discipline, and motivation and can even help you absorb more material than when you study alone. The key is finding a small, like-minded group that shares your goals and is able to meet together consistently and focus on exam preparation.
Preparing for the CFA Exam Format
In addition to the exam date, the type of calculators allowed, and the exam length for the morning and afternoon sessions, you may also wish to determine travel times to the testing center. Get as much information as possible, including when you can arrive and how you will be able to store your materials that are not allowed in the testing room.
CFA Exam Level I Format
The Level I CFA exam format consists of 180 multiple-choice exam questions that are split between two 135-minute sessions. With this in mind, practice questions and time management are two of the most important things to keep in focus. Learn more from our team of experts.
Learn more about CFA Level I Preparation.
CFA Exam Level II Format
The Level II CFA exam uses an item-set format made up of a vignette that is followed by either 4 or 6 multiple-choice questions. Since you’ll need to refer back to the vignette before answering each item, be sure to take the time to fully understand each question before moving forward. You can prepare for this process with the help of mock exams. Prepare with UWorld here.
Learn more about CFA Level II Preparation.
CFA Exam Level III Format
The Level III CFA exam uses vignettes along with multiple-choice questions and essay questions. This combination of formats makes your previous experience valuable, with the added constructed response questions. Take a detailed look at UWorld’s Level III exam materials to help you prepare for the final CFA exam.
Learn more about CFA Level III Preparation.
CFA Exam Topic Weights: The Art of Prioritizing
You’ll be able to move faster through more familiar topics. But don’t neglect the topics that come easier, as every detail and study session makes a difference.
Learn more about CFA Exam Topic Weights.
CFA Exam Time Management
Level III is split into two 2-hour-and-12-minute sessions and combines essay or constructed response questions with vignettes followed by item sets similar to those at Level II. With this in mind, you’ll want to develop a time per question approach. And since question length varies, one option is to use the number of minutes/points to help you assess how much time should be spent on each question.
Practice for the CFA Exam
The Final 4 Weeks Before Taking the CFA Exam
How to Deal With Overwhelm and Burnout
Preparation is the Key to Passing
How to Prepare for the CFA Exam – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Here are quick answers to some frequently asked questions about how to prepare for the CFA exam.
- You can prepare for the CFA exam with a dedicated schedule, a commitment to practice, and a trusted prep provider like UWorld for all your study guides and reading materials.
- It takes most candidates over 300 hours to prepare for each CFA exam.
- The CFA exams vary in difficulty at each level and all should be considered a significant challenge.
- You can study for the CFA exam on your own and adding an element of group study will only increase your chances of success.