CFA Level III Preparation Quick Facts
- The 10-year average pass rates for the CFA Level III exam are around 52%, although more recent pass rates are lower due to the pandemic.
- The Level III exam format consists of a combination of constructed response (essay) and item set questions.
- The exam is divided into two sessions: a morning session and a session in the afternoon.
- Portfolio Management and Wealth Planning is the most heavily weighted topic area on the Level III exam.
How to Start Preparing for the CFA Level III Exam
Develop a Plan
Developing a solid plan can be the difference between passing the Level III exam and having to spend twice the money and time with a re-take. Just like you’ve already done with Level I and Level II, you’ll need to figure out how many months you have to prepare and how many hours you can dedicate to study sessions.
Make sure you have at least six months set aside to prepare, with a study plan of around 340 hours. This can be broken down to about 13 hours per week dedicated to the Level III exam. The earlier you’re able to begin, the more time you’ll have. Lean on what you’ve learned by studying for the first two CFA exams and slide back into the rhythms that helped you succeed.
And if you need to travel to a test site or have funds set aside for travel, make sure all those details are part of your plan as well.
Equip Yourself With Study Materials
Top-notch study guides and reading materials are the keys to accomplishing your goals. UWorld is an industry leader with CFA Level III exam prep materials that are customizable to your needs. UWorld has helped students in over 100 countries pass the CFA Level III exam and is a resource you can trust to equip you with everything you need to pass the first time.
UWorld’s teachers make the material approachable and practical, using explanatory graphs, and addressing each and every Learning Outcome Statement in the CFA Program curriculum.
Set a Minimum Score Goal for Yourself
The minimum score you’ll need to pass the CFA Level III exam varies by exam and is not disclosed by CFA Institute. With that in mind, it’s a good idea to set a minimum score goal for yourself as you start your exam prep. For example, you might want to shoot for no less than 80% on your exam, an attainable goal that might help you go the extra mile as you prepare.
Familiarize Yourself With Your Calculator
Just like the previous two exams, your calculator is an essential tool for the Level III exam. So be sure to find out which calculators are allowed and become as familiar as possible with the one you choose. The advanced functions your calculator offers will help you save time on exam day.
Join a Study Group
If you studied with a group during your preparation for the first two exams, you know how helpful it is. If you chose not to join a study group for those tests, the Level III exam might be the perfect time to change your approach. Those that have earned their CFA designation agree that a good study group can help with memory, discipline, motivation, and can even help you absorb more material than when you study alone.
A small, like-minded group with similar goals is best, especially one that is able to meet consistently and focus on exam prep.
Preparing for the CFA Level III Exam Format
Focus on Concepts, Not Just Memorization
While the Level III CFA exam does require that you memorize a lot of material, it’s the concepts that matter most. On exam day, you aren’t going to just pull from a memory script in order to pass. Instead, you’ll need a deep understanding of the concepts to apply them to real-life situations on the exam. Be sure to take advantage of UWorld’s trusted reading materials and understand all of them before your Level III exam.
How to Prepare for the CFA Level III Vignettes
Just like the Level II exam, the amount of time you’ll spend on each vignette is much different than how you’ve approached multiple-choice questions. One way to practice the format is to start by reading the questions. This way you’ll know exactly what you’re looking for when you go back and read the vignette. Plenty of practice questions and mock exams will help get you up to speed.
Get your CFA Level III Test Bank.
Understanding Constructed Response Format
Part of the unique challenge of the Level III exam is the constructed response format. You will need to draw on your deeper understanding of the concepts from the Level III material to answer each question as briefly as possible to get all the points. Be specific and know that time management at this stage is more important than ever. Be careful not to write too much because there are no extra points for the length of your answer. You’re even allowed to use bullet points and graders aren’t concerned with grammatical errors.
CFA Level III Exam Topic Weights: The Art of Prioritizing
Learn more about CFA Level III Topic Weights.
CFA Level III Exam Time Management
Practice for the CFA Level III Exam
The Final 4 Weeks Before Taking the CFA Level III Exam
How to Deal With Overwhelm and Burnout
Preparation Is the Key to Passing
CFA Level III Exam Preparation – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about how to best prepare for the Level III CFA exam.
- The CFA Level III exam is very hard and considered by many to be the most difficult exam in the CFA curriculum.
- A combination of solid preparation that includes trusted study materials will help you pass your Level III exam and earn your CFA designation.
- We don’t recommend you only take three months to study for the Level III exam, but UWorld’s materials are an important asset no matter how long you have to prepare.