UWorld CMT Review has been discontinued from sale. Explore CFA exam review materials.

The UWorld Promise

We understand that the road to exam success looks different for everyone. That’s why our course materials focus on active learning techniques that maximize retention and boost your confidence for exam day.

Education Technology Designed for You

Our platform prioritizes active learning methods to help you understand and retain even the most challenging CMT exam concepts. With customizable practice exams, a digital flashcard builder, and an intuitive user interface, UWorld’s tools ensure focused and productive study sessions.

Purposeful Prep

Our QBanks and Mock Exams prioritize quality over quantity. Every UWorld CMT Review practice question is crafted, reviewed, and updated by our team of subject matter experts specializing in technical analysis. To help you understand the why behind each question, every answer choice includes a detailed explanation.

Study Anytime, Anywhere

Use your essential study tools on the go, including your progress metrics, video lectures, and more on your personal devices via the UWorld Finance mobile app.

Know What to Expect on Exam Day

You’ll only study the concepts you need to pass with course content aligned seamlessly to all three levels of the CMT exam syllabus.