CPA Exam Score Release Dates

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2025 CPA Exam Score Release Dates

Core sections are available with continuous testing for 2025 exams.

If the AICPA receives your exam data file on or before Target Score Release Dates
January 23 February 7
February 14 February 25
March 9 March 18
March 31 April 9
April 23 May 8
May 16 May 28
June 8 June 17
June 30 July 10
July 23 August 7
August 15 August 26
September 7 September 16
September 30 October 9
October 23 November 7
November 15 November 25
December 8 December 16

The discipline sections will be administered in the first month of each quarter in 2025.

Testing Dates Your target score release date
January 1 - 31 March 14
April 1 - 30 May 1
June 1 - 3O July 17
July 1 - 31 September 11
October 1 - 31 December 16

Note: The target score release date represents when the AICPA will send the scores to NASBA. It can take an additional 48 hours for scores to be posted on NASBA’s candidate portal.

CPA Exam Score Release Quick Facts

  • The AICPA typically announces the score release dates for the first half of a new year in December of the previous year and the second half by June of that year.
  • Prometric sends your exam data files to the AICPA within 24 hours after you complete your exam section.
  • The AICPA sends your scores to NASBA on the target release date. All scores for that release date should be posted within 48 hours on NASBA’s candidate portal.
  • All candidates’ scores may not be released at the same time. Candidates who test on the same day may receive scores at different times due to differences in necessary quality control procedures.
  • If you believe an error was made in scoring your exam, you can take advantage of a score review and appeal process, which is available in many jurisdictions.
  • You can only view released scores on your NASBA account within the current testing window, so we recommend printing the score notice for your records as soon as it’s available.
  • If you received a failing score and need to retake the exam, it may take up to five days from when your score has been posted for that section to fully close.
  • Continue to check the online application to see when the section re-opens to re-register.
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Where Do I Find My CPA Exam Score?

If you are a CA, IL, or MD candidate, you will obtain your scores from your board of accounting’s website. All other candidates will obtain their scores from

When Does My CPA Exam Score Expire?

You are required to pass all four CPA Exam sections within an 18 to 36-month period depending on your state jurisdiction. The clock starts on the day you sit for your initial exam with a passing score. Credit for passing expires 18 to 36 months from your exam day—not the day you received your score.

If you do not pass all four exam sections within your required period starting from passing your initial exam, you then have to pass that initial exam again.

For example, maybe you passed your FAR CPA Exam, then your AUD CPA Exam a few months later, and then the discipline section. However, when it comes to taking the REG CPA Exam, maybe you waited until the day before your FAR credit expired—and you didn’t pass. This means you now have to retake the FAR exam in addition to still needing to pass the REG exam. Your new window starts on the day you sat for, and passed the AUD exam.

To avoid this happening, pay particular attention to the expiration dates included on your score notice and allow time for retakes.

What Is the CPA Exam Score Release Process?

The AICPA typically announces score release dates for the first half of a new year in December of the previous year and the second half by June of that year.

This score release process goes as follows after you take your exam:

  1. For most candidates, Prometric sends exam data files to the AICPA within 24 hours after testing has finished.
  2. The AICPA will send the scores to NASBA. This is the target score release date noted in the schedule.
  3. All scores for that “release date” should be posted within 48 hours from when NASBA started receiving the scores. Exam data files received after the AICPA cutoff dates will result in subsequent scheduled target score release dates.

What Are the Factors That Determine CPA Exam Score Release Dates?

A few factors that determine CPA Exam score release dates include:

  1. The date you took your exam
  2. How long Prometric takes to send exam data files 
  3. When NASBA receives the exam data files from AICPA

Need to Contact Your State Board of Accountancy?

NASBA provides a comprehensive list of CPA examination services in each of the 55 jurisdictions; use this list if you need to contact your state board of accountancy. Simply select the state in which you are receiving your license and proceed from there.